Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Deaf Republicans Are Real Nutcases! Deaf Democrats???

Deaf Republicans under the leadership of Mike McConnell are real nutcases for being disillusioned with many so-called issues and occurrences.

Let's check out the http://deafrepublican2008.blogspot.com/ website to find many loony tunes and wacky messages. You could see why the McCain-Palin supporters are purely insane and wallow in their own materialistic and selfish individualism, instead of being community-minded and societal inclusiveness.

You could see how real mean-spirited Deaf Republicans could be about the idea of its own redistribution of wealth like giving $10 tip money to the homeless guy, instead of a waiter sported the Obama necktie. That is intentional display of arrogance and sadism on part of many Republicans.

Democrats are no better than Republicans anyway. We ought to elect someone based on leadership capacity, abilities, vision and interpersonal skills, not only the party affiliation.

Real sick of seeing someone deaf Republican saying "I have to follow my own family's political tradition by voting Republican". Same thing happened with many staunch deaf Democrats for not willing to look into other political party affiliation's candidate.

Robert Underhill ought to be called "Over the Hill", not the "Under the Hill". Every of us know that there are no such "under the hill" within our geographic destiny. Underhill take the info from someone looney's website for the prediction of McCain winning the 2008 presidential election like McCain 309 to Obama 229. You ought to read that hearing loony's website to see for yourself and understand what I am talking about.

I personally like Robert Underhill. He is really a decent individual unlike Mike McConnell. Too bad, Underhill end up making the unholy association with Mike McConnell.

Somewhat disappointed with the Obama-Biden campaign for not fighting back on taxes issues. The Obama-Biden campaign ought to emphasize on the progressive taxation system to see everyone pay fairly within their earned ranges, not leave to the 95 percent of the American people paying more than the 2 percent wealthiest paying almost nothing or little taxes.

The Bush II presidency ought to raise a little taxes or sell the U.S. bonds during the wartime, instead of leaving the wealthiest pay almost nothing or little taxes. The wealthiest people ought to do their own patriotism by paying fair shares of taxes. That is not definitely the redistribution of wealth.

That is based on more logical approach to balance the government spending and taxation.

How come didn't Senator John McCain propose for the government bailout of homeowners whose victimized of the sub prime and predatory home loans few years ago? Just a desperate campaign tactics on McCain's advisers.

The Reason magazine, the libertian magazine pointed out the real dangers of Senator John McCain as our chief executive and commander in chief. McCain hardly accept any kind of respectable defeats or often defy almost anything. McCain is more likely to ignore the law or not obey the given laws. That is very dangerous precedent within the likely McCain presidency.

Please think twice before casting the ballot for Senator John McCain. Keep broaden your mind and cast the ballot whatever you strongly feel right.

Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign apparently HID the monstrous childhood photos of young John McCain back to age of 6. His pre-adoloscent childhood photos were pretty scary!

Senator John McCain is pretty guilty of concealed racism like hiding his adopted daugther from Bangaladesh from his campaign stops for predominately white crowds at rallies. Why hide his adopted daughters and parade his blonde gals instead for the "t*t and as*" shows?


  1. How come McConnell's Blog not found. It appears in front of my laptop computer:
    Sorry, the blog you were looking for does not exist. However, the name deafrepublican2008 is available to register!

    Wow! I have one more hour to go VOTE! Waiting for my husband to come home then we will probably end up on a long lineup before the elementary public school bell rings at 3 30pm!! The kids will probably knock us out!!!

  2. Really?

    I did check out this website.

    You were absolutely right about that!

    Type "Deaf Republican 2008" on any ISP which might be helpful.


  3. Hey RLM, this blog is on Deafread Extra and I voted for your blog because I do NOT want to be McConell's register voter at el!

  4. Thanks, ASLRisen for your constant support and loyal readership. I truly appreciate it very much.

    I wonder why this blog posting end up on the DeafRead Extras. Thanks for letting me know. :)


  5. These are the kind of personal attacks that do not belong on DR....you should wipe this off the face of DR along with that silly smirk of yours.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Anonymous #1 and #2,

    I did not done any personal attacks on anyone deaf, except the Deaf Republicans 2008 website.

    I am just doing an example of what Senator John McCain and Sarah Palin engaged in very negative campaign tones, instead of offering the real solutions facing our own country.

    Moi - born Crab Theorist? How come? I target the Deaf Republicans 2008 itself, not any individuals.

    Mike McConnell could taste his own medicine what the ugly politics do to our American people.

    The presidential election is all over! I retreat to my real human decency. I never am afraid of confrontations and fights. Comprendo?

    You personally attacked me with the so-called claims of yours. Why hide behind the Anonymous alias? I have to delete your comment.

    I would respect you more if you use your real name, instead of using the false or anonymous alias. Caspice?

    I kinda feel good for what the Republicans done for past 30 years with the smear campaigns against the American people and good Democrats.

    That is kinda a payback!


  8. RLM, my surname is based on a 13th century description of my ancestral family who lived by or under the hills in central England. That has nothing to do with age. Okay? That's clear up.

    Secondly, there are many other right-wing bloggers who are as good (or better, depending on the contexts) as Mike McConnell's or mine. We're all Republicans and conservatives fighting to preserve and protect what has been working well for America for so long, especially against the far left elements that seek the destruction of the USA by any mean. We know their tactics and long-term plans well. Spreading the wealth with everyone is a destructive initiative to undermine the competitive spirit of America and hinder real incentives for most hard-working Americans.

    It is apparently that you and your ilk do not wanted America to compete, prosper and thrive under the present conditions. You wanted your big mommy-daddy government to take care of your needs when you cannot take the initiative to take care of yourself individually. That same for everyone else who voted Obama? I don't know. I guess working hard to succeed and overcome ain't in your genes, RLM?

    Mike and I are nonetheless disgusted by the apparent intellectual dishonesty, hypocrisy, looking-the-other way and double standards from the left and its ilk. We both do not like the apparent efforts to cover up Obama's dubious origins. It seems that you do not like the McCain campaign's efforts to cover up his childhood photos but, really, what's the point in that? He wasn't a good-looking kid, then, so what?

    I have more respect for McCain for what he did last night, conceding to Obama when the final tallying counts were swinging toward the "Obamassiah". The election is OVER. Move along, bud.

    You're a ham, RLM.

  9. Rob Underhill,

    I always have a real respect for you!

    No, I strongly believe in the work ethics and real competitiveness.

    I am not for the nanny government, but GWB really mess up the nation beyond imagination.

    You are absolutely right about McCain's concession speech. I definitely have real respect for McCain in many ways. I kinda feel real bad for him.

    The Palin factor played a big role in McCain's loss.

    I wrote this blog posting last Tuesday afternoon out of desperation.

    That is not really necessary to call me names like ham. Thanks.

    Just doing it for a pure fun. Not really serious!


  10. Rob Underhill,

    I always have a real respect for you!

    No, I strongly believe in the work ethics and real competitiveness.

    I am not for the nanny government, but GWB really mess up the nation beyond imagination.

    You are absolutely right about McCain's concession speech. I definitely have real respect for McCain in many ways. I kinda feel real bad for him.

    The Palin factor played a big role in McCain's loss.

    I wrote this blog posting last Tuesday afternoon out of desperation.

    That is not really necessary to call me names like ham. Thanks.

    Just doing it for a pure fun. Not really serious!


  11. I have been to Deaf Republicans website and had a good chuckle. Just a bunch of wannabes showing off their English abilities. They are too transparent!

    As someone said last night after it was all over, the Obama people gathered together looked like the true American family. McCain's did not.


  12. The Palin factor played a big role in McCain's loss.

    The 56,434,101 votes that went for McCain-Palin? The Palin factor was hardly a factor. The real factor in McCain's loss was Obama and his campaign, not Palin.

    Lantana, failing English classes have probably made you bitter and jealous? Perhaps.

  13. RLM,

    Such irony... You support Obama and at the same time, you're a racist. It's good to hear that you've changed your ways. It's about time!

  14. English test? Surely you jest. I am just happy that the Repukes got what they deserved. And that inludes your buddy Mike Mc.


  15. Anonymous,

    I never had been a racist in my entire life.

    I just pointed out how annoyed I was with the African American street pandhanlders misassumed about me and other white people having more $$$. That was it!

    I am no bleeding heart liberal myself, but always a pragmatic person and realist myself.

    No questions about everyone having their own personal prejudices. That's what I previously discussed on my past blog postings.

    I am kinda skeptical about Obama being our 44th President of the United States leading our country. Hopefully that Obama will be not another Jimmy Carter or George W. Bush in prior to lack of their national experience. Comprendo?

    Nothing to do with racism!

    I always treat everyone equally as what Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech of seeing anyone to be judged of the contents of their character, not skin color. Comprendo?


  16. I do not jest, Lantana. The country remains forever center-right, even Obama is about to lean toward the center once he starts hanging out with George W. Bush.

    The Republicans will be back stronger than ever. Count on it.

  17. Unfortunately I am alot older than you and have lived through many Presidents and George Bush is the worst one EVER.

    Quit fooling yourself Rob!


  18. Oh I agree with Lantana. President George Bush is the worst performing president. No wonder why McSame tried so hard to distance himself from Bush!

  19. MZ,

    Historians probably will have a different perspective of George W. Bush as what they finally seen in President Harry S. Truman by the historical contents.

    GWB and Dicky's obessesion with the secrecy will hurt them in many ways after historians not able to examine their own legacy.

    GWB and Dicky always remind us every time under their watch - no domestic terrorism occurs on the American soil after the 9/11.


  20. Latana, when was there ever a time under the Bush administration you had unemployment rate around 12 or 13% and mortgage loans at around 17%?

    Answer: None. It was during the Carter administration.

    And it was Carter who said a few days ago that the Hamas can be trusted.



    Worst modern president is by far Jimmy Carter. It took Ronald Reagan to pull us out of a bad economy, lowered interest rate and unemployment rate and so forth. And under Bush you had unemployment rate between 4.5 to 7.0 percent with on average well under 6% and mortgage interest rate (fixed) between 5 and 8 percent.

    The "I'm older than you are so I know what I'm talking about" is just pure addled nonsense.

    Time to lighten up, dearie.

  21. Anonymous,

    Hmm, you have very interesting and valid points about the comparsion of the Carter and Reagan presidency.

    At least, you have to remmy that Jimmy Carter just inherited the economic problems from Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon and LBJ's reckless spendings on the Great Society programs.

    Perhaps about the questions of Jimmy Carter's presidential leadership which is pretty similar to President Obama.

    Jimmy Carter had done great things for deaf people like dismantling down the barriers for us getting federal government employments, etc.

    Many of us did not realize that most presidency often make impact on us later than during their regin of power.

