Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We Need More Tim Rikkers in Our Deaf Community

The Audism Free America (AFA) recently posted Tim Rikker's letter to the Wisconsin Legislature as proof of "postive-enchanced deaf activism", instead of being politically and socially passive. http://audismfreeamerica.blogspot.com/2009/05/response-to-wisc-bill-and-cullens.html

We really could get the Wisconsin health insurance industry on our side to rally against the Governor of Wisconsin to sign off the legislation as part of state government's social engineering to re-construct the so-called uptoian society.

We could ask the Wisconsin health insurance industry to fly some AFA members and other deaf individuals to the state captiol of Wisconsin to ask Governor (whatever his name is) NOT to sign the bill.

That is not a matter of choice at all. That is the real Nazi social engineering to create the perfect society. The whole humankind history will prove otherwise.

The Wisconsin policymakers and state governor need to realize that is not really a cost-effective method for long-term finanical cost-savings. More costly than letting the natural aspect of human physical flaws as greater reminder for us that no one could play the "God".

Still longing to see the open letter from the Audism Free America, Deaf Bilingual Coaltion, National Association of the Deaf and other state associations of the deaf.

We could send the direct message to the state and national Democratic party leaders and coordinators that we will not forget and forgive if the Democrats are more supportive of the government social engineering to re-construct the deaf community at large for the sake of AUDISM.

We also could get state and national Republicans to rally against the state and national government's overreaching incentives to force the health insurance industry and impose costly and impractical solutions in name of unproven long-term finanical consquences and questionable human ethics.

Let's set up the meeting with the Governor of Wisconsin and his staff. We have to play real smart by reaching out to the lower level staffers of Governor's office to get his attention.

We need to be politically active by siding with the health insurance industry to rally against the recent Wisconsin legislature's misguided intentions.

ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)