Sunday, March 29, 2009

Audism Free America's Three (3) Requests Very Reasonable and Logical

Not comprehend (understand) why some deaf vloggers and bloggers dissed (criticize) the Audism Free America (AFA)'s three demands to be discussed at the table with the Alexander Graham Bell Association of the Deaf (AGBell) next April 3rd (2009).

Every organization or protestor usually lay several layouts of demands and issues to be work and iron out for the bargaining table or create dialogues within involved parties. That doesn't meant anything happened for sure.

I am giving all my 100% support to the Audism Free America with no questions asked. Not everyone being perfect anyway. No one could be 100 % satisifed.

My personal opinion of the AFA being too moderate and pragmatic without being more radical approach.

If I were within the similar organization. I would call for the distruption of AGBell fundraising parties and other more radical approaches.

AFA is very reasonable and legitimate organization as I could see.

ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason