Thursday, November 6, 2008

Is "BOLT" New Movie in 3-D Capable of Open/Closed Captions at Theatre(s)?

 Is the new Disney film, "Bolt" capable of showing captions with the 3-D features at selected theatre(s)? It is about the adventure of superdog in computer animated features. 

 There are many 3-D and IMAX films shown with closed captions thru the use of Rear Window Captioning (RWC), but what about open captions. 

Too complicated to be the 3-D films or IMAX films shown with OPEN captions? 

That would be real nice of viewing the Disney's "Bolt" film during the quiet Thanksgiving week. 

ASlize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)

Deaf History - John C., Breckinridge, Vice President to James Buchanan

Not many of us, deaf Americans realized that there was someone in the nation's high office already had interconnected with the Deaf history- John Cabell Breckinridge. He served as a trustee to the Kentucky School for the Deaf in Danville before elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and Vice President to President James Buchanan.

Senator John McCain would be not very first hearing individual to be elected to the nation's high office, interwoven with the deaf world. Breckingridge is!

Barack Obama would be not the first "black" President of the United States. President Warren Harding repeatedly seen as the real first "black" president in despite of his external appearance of white skin color.

President Harding's great-grandparents were rumored to be African-American. Harding's great grandfather - West Indian black. Harding's great grandmother, Elizabeth Madison also was an African American, too.

Warren Harding repeatedly was taunted as a youth for his "kink-haired" features. Harding never denied his own ancestry. Harding's U.S. Justice Department went out to destroy all the copies of William Chancellor White's books claimed Harding to be racially mixed. Harding was very horrified of the constant lynching of African Americans in the 1920s. He never done anything in an official position to stop such madness with the lynching of black people.

Barack Obama and Warren Harding have much in common like being very popular with women for being the good-looking lad and look much presidential.

Other four Presidents of the United States were also suspected of devired from the ancestry of black people - Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln and Calvin Coolidge.

Lincoln's law partner. William Herndon, wrote the book - "The Hidden Lincoln" to describe Abraham Lincoln having very dark skin and coarse hair. Many political opponents had a field days with political cartoon drawings decepited Lincoln as a Negro and nicknamed him "Abraham Africianus the First". Lincoln's mother, Nancy Hanks told some people that Abraham was an illegitimate son of black man. No wonder about Lincoln's stepfather disowned Abraham after his mother's untimely death. Lincoln's political opponents especially newspaper editors lambasted President Lincoln as a "baboon".

President Calvin Coolidge's mother had been nicknamed "Moor" which was very common phrase for dark-skinned Caucasians during its time. Coolidge's wife was employed with the Clarke School for the Deaf in Massachusetts. The Coolidges were seen with the use of sign language at the White House during their private times to keep the White House staff from eavesdropping on the First Couple.

President Andrew Jackson's mother intermarried the Negro. Andrew Jackson's eldest brother had been sold as a slave in Carolina (before the partings of large state into two states - North and South Carolina).

Interestingly, the U.S. Attorney General and leading Democratic Party presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) did predict for the black president will be elected someday back to the 1961's the Voice of America radio interview.

U.S. Vice President, John C. Breckingridge and President Calvin Coolidge and Jimmy Carter were only hearing individuals in the national high office (President and Vice President of the United States) and directly linked to our Deaf History.

ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)

Deaf Employee Inside the Bush II White House

The following conversation back few months ago with the current deaf employee within the Bush/Cheney White House, but never intentionally wrote about his employment experience until now.

This deaf employee is currently employed with the White House for more than ten years. He is with the White House correspondence (letters, postcards and other mailing materials) unit as a career employee.

From having the interesting conversation with this deaf White House employee from what he have been experienced of dealing with two different President of the United States. This deaf employee gave such striking contradictions between Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. He felt much welcomed and appreciated more by George W. Bush which Bush intitally invited that deaf individual and other White House employees several times to the White House parties as compared to the Clinton White House. The Clintons just only invited all the White House employees to the annual Christmas party.

The deaf White House employee admitted that he was struck by President Bill Clinton's charmsia and backslapping as compared to George W. Bush's real human decency. Clinton used the American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter for the annual Christmas party. Bush didn't! George W. Bush asked the longtime deaf White House employee if he doesn't mind of being lipreaded in very nice and courteous way. The Bush/Cheney White House provided the ASL interpreter for any important staff meetings.

The deaf White House employee said that he experienced more stable and organized tasks under George W. Bush as compared to the Clinton White House's chaotic and late-nights correspondence tasks. That was it!

I was unjustly accused by some deaf Republicans for supporting the nanny government which were totally untrue! Work ethics and hard works are real important for our human existence.

I am not totally biased toward Republicans. I am much pleased to see some moderate Republicans salvaged the U.S. Senate seats during the 2008 general election. Handful of Republicans are really great public office holders like Senator Chuck Hagel, Sen. John McCain and other mores.

The passage of D.C. statehood will be more likely to be succeeded under the Obama/Biden administration for adding two U.S. Senators and one House of Representative seats in exchange of adding one House seat to the state of Utah.

President George Walker Herbert Bush's father and George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, definitely supported the idea for the creation of D.C. statehood back in the 1950s.

ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)