Tuesday, November 25, 2008

DBC Ought to Participate in Presidential Inaugural 2008 Parade

Deaf Bilingual Coalition (DBC) ought to participate in the 56th Presidential Inaugural Parade - January 20,2008 for countless free airtime and endless public exposures and global recognition.

The Joint Congressional Committee Inaugural Ceremonies had the participation deadline date - November 18th for any partisan or civic society participation.

President-elect Barack Hussein Obama and the general public could have an opportunity to acknowledge the existence of Deaf Bilingual Coalition to enhance the lives and educational opportunities of deaf youngsters along with the linguistic development of deaf babies. We could use the precious free airtime and television interviews for greater public exposures within the DBC.

Why not for the Deaf Bilingual Coalition (DBC) contact the Joint Congressional Committee Inaugural Committee to see if they could participate in the historic 2008 presidential inauguration past the deadline date?

One of the committee members are U.S. Senator Diana Fienstein of California which the Bay Area deaf community is the main anchor for real deaf activism to improve and mobilize the educational means for deaf youngsters and stand for the rights to linguistic development among deaf babies.

The real downside of the 2008 inaugural parade is to deal with the "freezing points" weather in the Nation's Capitol.

President-elect Barack Obama would approve the idea of Deaf Bilingual Coaltion to build and strengthen the education of the deaf to lift deaf youngsters into limitless possibilities and greater future.

ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Let's Protest "Unequal Treatment" at Tmw's ASL Expo in Upper Malboro

 Gay-friendly Deaf Americans and Deaf Gay, Lebasian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) individuals ought to unify together to take up the part in tommorow's nationwide protest against the "unequal treatment" and "discriminatory practices" to deny the GLBT individuals from tying up the knots to show their real commitment and love toward each others. 

The impromptu protest will take the place at the ASL Expo in Upper Malboro, MD to send out the strong message to the Deaf American community on Saturday, November 15th at 1:30 pm on the main stage. 

Don't be spineless and show your true color to prove the Deaf GLBT presence in our Deaf American community what the Deaf GLBT people have done for many deaf people in general. 

Please wear the bold GAY t-shirt colors like Pink, Purple, Neon Yellow, Neon Green and Neon Red (Rainbow colors) tommorow at the ASL Expo, Upper Malboro - www.aslexpo.com  If you have any old wedding dress to loan. Let's do it! 

We probably do the mock marriage to show the real beauty of humanity loving each other and be treated equally as part of the society at large. 

We, Deaf GLBT and Gay-Friendly individuals ought to remind the Deaf America about Alexander Graham Bell's past attempts to ban the intermarriages between deaf people in the 1800s. 

Bring the videocams for the YouTube, DeafRead and other deaf media outlet postings! 

Any questions, please email me at rlmdeaf@hotmail.com 

ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)

Monday, November 10, 2008

How Would We React with Obama for the Resurgence of Stem Cells Research?

 How would we respond to the possibility of real success with future stem cells research to reverse the hearing loss (I really hate this term) among deaf people? 

  Will we curse the Obama/Biden administration or what? If the U.S. Congress make the mandatory requirement for us, culturally deaf individuals to undergo the hearing restoration or face the fines / lose the special tax breaks (We do not have that kind of tax breaks at that time).

  I have some mixed feelings about using the undeveloped fetus - real defenseless creatures for our stem cells research. I am not politically conservative or a religious person. I do support women's rights to decide what to do with their own bodies. The issue of abortion within unwanted pregnancy bother me lately. 

  Not many people realize that the cosmetic industry usually use up the snipped pieces of skin from male circumcision among young male babies. Those discarded skins ended up in the manufacturing the regenerated skin creams nowadays. 

  Stem cells research could bring us endless benefits, but questions at the expense of defenseless "few days old" fetus, somewhat bother me lately. 

  I personally think that the Obama/Biden administration kinda rush on the issue of stem cells research with federal funds before Obama takes up the oath on January 20th. 

  Deaf people everywhere could be classified as "undesired" if we choose not to restore our genetic flaws or blessing features. 

  Back in the 1992 presidential election, Bill Clinton and the Democrats were staunch supporters for mainstreaming deaf students into regular schools. President George W. Bush and the Republicans supported the existence of residential schools for the education of the deaf. 

  Culturally deaf people probably resign to the idea of stem cells use to reverse or restore the hearing loss as compared to the much invasive cochlear implant surgery. 

   Our unique social and cultural identity as deaf people would be fading into forgotten history of the humankind if there are real success with the stem cells research of reversing or restoring the deaf being to the "perfect" human. 


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Is "BOLT" New Movie in 3-D Capable of Open/Closed Captions at Theatre(s)?

 Is the new Disney film, "Bolt" capable of showing captions with the 3-D features at selected theatre(s)? It is about the adventure of superdog in computer animated features. 

 There are many 3-D and IMAX films shown with closed captions thru the use of Rear Window Captioning (RWC), but what about open captions. 

Too complicated to be the 3-D films or IMAX films shown with OPEN captions? 

That would be real nice of viewing the Disney's "Bolt" film during the quiet Thanksgiving week. 

ASlize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)

Deaf History - John C., Breckinridge, Vice President to James Buchanan

Not many of us, deaf Americans realized that there was someone in the nation's high office already had interconnected with the Deaf history- John Cabell Breckinridge. He served as a trustee to the Kentucky School for the Deaf in Danville before elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and Vice President to President James Buchanan.

Senator John McCain would be not very first hearing individual to be elected to the nation's high office, interwoven with the deaf world. Breckingridge is!

Barack Obama would be not the first "black" President of the United States. President Warren Harding repeatedly seen as the real first "black" president in despite of his external appearance of white skin color.

President Harding's great-grandparents were rumored to be African-American. Harding's great grandfather - West Indian black. Harding's great grandmother, Elizabeth Madison also was an African American, too.

Warren Harding repeatedly was taunted as a youth for his "kink-haired" features. Harding never denied his own ancestry. Harding's U.S. Justice Department went out to destroy all the copies of William Chancellor White's books claimed Harding to be racially mixed. Harding was very horrified of the constant lynching of African Americans in the 1920s. He never done anything in an official position to stop such madness with the lynching of black people.

Barack Obama and Warren Harding have much in common like being very popular with women for being the good-looking lad and look much presidential.

Other four Presidents of the United States were also suspected of devired from the ancestry of black people - Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln and Calvin Coolidge.

Lincoln's law partner. William Herndon, wrote the book - "The Hidden Lincoln" to describe Abraham Lincoln having very dark skin and coarse hair. Many political opponents had a field days with political cartoon drawings decepited Lincoln as a Negro and nicknamed him "Abraham Africianus the First". Lincoln's mother, Nancy Hanks told some people that Abraham was an illegitimate son of black man. No wonder about Lincoln's stepfather disowned Abraham after his mother's untimely death. Lincoln's political opponents especially newspaper editors lambasted President Lincoln as a "baboon".

President Calvin Coolidge's mother had been nicknamed "Moor" which was very common phrase for dark-skinned Caucasians during its time. Coolidge's wife was employed with the Clarke School for the Deaf in Massachusetts. The Coolidges were seen with the use of sign language at the White House during their private times to keep the White House staff from eavesdropping on the First Couple.

President Andrew Jackson's mother intermarried the Negro. Andrew Jackson's eldest brother had been sold as a slave in Carolina (before the partings of large state into two states - North and South Carolina).

Interestingly, the U.S. Attorney General and leading Democratic Party presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) did predict for the black president will be elected someday back to the 1961's the Voice of America radio interview.

U.S. Vice President, John C. Breckingridge and President Calvin Coolidge and Jimmy Carter were only hearing individuals in the national high office (President and Vice President of the United States) and directly linked to our Deaf History.

ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)

Deaf Employee Inside the Bush II White House

The following conversation back few months ago with the current deaf employee within the Bush/Cheney White House, but never intentionally wrote about his employment experience until now.

This deaf employee is currently employed with the White House for more than ten years. He is with the White House correspondence (letters, postcards and other mailing materials) unit as a career employee.

From having the interesting conversation with this deaf White House employee from what he have been experienced of dealing with two different President of the United States. This deaf employee gave such striking contradictions between Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. He felt much welcomed and appreciated more by George W. Bush which Bush intitally invited that deaf individual and other White House employees several times to the White House parties as compared to the Clinton White House. The Clintons just only invited all the White House employees to the annual Christmas party.

The deaf White House employee admitted that he was struck by President Bill Clinton's charmsia and backslapping as compared to George W. Bush's real human decency. Clinton used the American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter for the annual Christmas party. Bush didn't! George W. Bush asked the longtime deaf White House employee if he doesn't mind of being lipreaded in very nice and courteous way. The Bush/Cheney White House provided the ASL interpreter for any important staff meetings.

The deaf White House employee said that he experienced more stable and organized tasks under George W. Bush as compared to the Clinton White House's chaotic and late-nights correspondence tasks. That was it!

I was unjustly accused by some deaf Republicans for supporting the nanny government which were totally untrue! Work ethics and hard works are real important for our human existence.

I am not totally biased toward Republicans. I am much pleased to see some moderate Republicans salvaged the U.S. Senate seats during the 2008 general election. Handful of Republicans are really great public office holders like Senator Chuck Hagel, Sen. John McCain and other mores.

The passage of D.C. statehood will be more likely to be succeeded under the Obama/Biden administration for adding two U.S. Senators and one House of Representative seats in exchange of adding one House seat to the state of Utah.

President George Walker Herbert Bush's father and George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, definitely supported the idea for the creation of D.C. statehood back in the 1950s.

ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Deaf Republicans Are Real Nutcases! Deaf Democrats???

Deaf Republicans under the leadership of Mike McConnell are real nutcases for being disillusioned with many so-called issues and occurrences.

Let's check out the http://deafrepublican2008.blogspot.com/ website to find many loony tunes and wacky messages. You could see why the McCain-Palin supporters are purely insane and wallow in their own materialistic and selfish individualism, instead of being community-minded and societal inclusiveness.

You could see how real mean-spirited Deaf Republicans could be about the idea of its own redistribution of wealth like giving $10 tip money to the homeless guy, instead of a waiter sported the Obama necktie. That is intentional display of arrogance and sadism on part of many Republicans.

Democrats are no better than Republicans anyway. We ought to elect someone based on leadership capacity, abilities, vision and interpersonal skills, not only the party affiliation.

Real sick of seeing someone deaf Republican saying "I have to follow my own family's political tradition by voting Republican". Same thing happened with many staunch deaf Democrats for not willing to look into other political party affiliation's candidate.

Robert Underhill ought to be called "Over the Hill", not the "Under the Hill". Every of us know that there are no such "under the hill" within our geographic destiny. Underhill take the info from someone looney's website for the prediction of McCain winning the 2008 presidential election like McCain 309 to Obama 229. You ought to read that hearing loony's website to see for yourself and understand what I am talking about.

I personally like Robert Underhill. He is really a decent individual unlike Mike McConnell. Too bad, Underhill end up making the unholy association with Mike McConnell.

Somewhat disappointed with the Obama-Biden campaign for not fighting back on taxes issues. The Obama-Biden campaign ought to emphasize on the progressive taxation system to see everyone pay fairly within their earned ranges, not leave to the 95 percent of the American people paying more than the 2 percent wealthiest paying almost nothing or little taxes.

The Bush II presidency ought to raise a little taxes or sell the U.S. bonds during the wartime, instead of leaving the wealthiest pay almost nothing or little taxes. The wealthiest people ought to do their own patriotism by paying fair shares of taxes. That is not definitely the redistribution of wealth.

That is based on more logical approach to balance the government spending and taxation.

How come didn't Senator John McCain propose for the government bailout of homeowners whose victimized of the sub prime and predatory home loans few years ago? Just a desperate campaign tactics on McCain's advisers.

The Reason magazine, the libertian magazine pointed out the real dangers of Senator John McCain as our chief executive and commander in chief. McCain hardly accept any kind of respectable defeats or often defy almost anything. McCain is more likely to ignore the law or not obey the given laws. That is very dangerous precedent within the likely McCain presidency.

Please think twice before casting the ballot for Senator John McCain. Keep broaden your mind and cast the ballot whatever you strongly feel right.

Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign apparently HID the monstrous childhood photos of young John McCain back to age of 6. His pre-adoloscent childhood photos were pretty scary!

Senator John McCain is pretty guilty of concealed racism like hiding his adopted daugther from Bangaladesh from his campaign stops for predominately white crowds at rallies. Why hide his adopted daughters and parade his blonde gals instead for the "t*t and as*" shows?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Will Be Our Deaf Fault for Not Aggressively Exposing John McCain to the General Public What He Have Done to Us, Deaf People?

 How sad of our American deaf community being pathetically apathetic for not taking any efforts in educating the American electorate about Senator John McCain's dismissive attitude toward deaf people for the 2008 presidential campaign.  

Many and many of us already knew what Senator John McCain have been done to the Gallaudet community back in Fall 2006. McCain served more than 8 years as a board member of Gallaudet University Board of Trustees. The Gallaudet insiders repeatedly reported that McCain never showed up or attended the Gallaudet board of trustee meetings at all.

Why in the world, Senator John McCain agreed in the first place to accept the appointment to serve on Gallaudet University Board of Trustee and DONE NOTHING to ensure and reap the real benefits for Gallaudet University and its facilities? 

Was John McCain directly responsible for sudden federal funding cutbacks from the U.S. Congress after he irresponsibly resigned from Gallaudet University Board of Trustees? Perhaps yes! 

The office of Senator John McCain did HIRE deaf individual to be part of his U.S. Senate operational office in Washington, DC and retained him for about less than three years before McCain being appointed to Gallaudet University Board of Trustees. McCain never being active on our deaf rights and issues so far except largely responsible for the shoddy works of putting the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) draft for the final legislative passage of this very same law later in July 1990. 

The real problem with Senator John McCain's fingerprints all over the ADA legislative draft bill to be largely unenforceable and pretty vague for letting the lawyers of disability rights get the fats off us, deaf people and other disabled individuals or let the court to interpret what the federal government could or could not enforce the burdensome or costly accommodations and accessibility to see the deaf American citizens being equally treated. That took another 18 years for the amendment to the existing ADA law to be fully enforced later next January 2009. 

That is much handiwork of Senator John McCain to leave us, deaf people from achieving the full status in the American society as real equals. McCain let the majority of disabled community to ignore our deaf people's requests like the mandatory requirement for the full accessibility with the neighborhood movie theatres for open captions. McCain's leadership philosophy rather see the private sectors to exploit deaf people and other disabled individuals by encouraging the Rear Window Captioning (RWC) incentives later as part of enterpreutial compromises, instead of reasonable and effective approach for bargain captioning cost, ex. open captions at all movie theatres. McCain's leadership largely responsible for the disabled community not to include deaf people in the final phases of the ADA legislative draft

Everything come back to Senator John McCain's failed problem-solving leadership in the long run. We have to think of the real consequences of the McCain presidency within our own existence. 

Remmy that the one vote for John McCain is for every audist(s) like Mike McConnell and Jane Fernandes. 

Senator John McCain have been much chummy with I. King Jordan and Jane Fernandes, instead of being the real maverick as McCain and Palin always claimed to be. Johnny (McCain) have been no maverick for nonetheless reaching out to the Gallaudet community during the "Unity for Gallaudet" (UFG) protest. 

Senator John McCain is basically a "spoiled brat" all his life and insisted of having his own way or will spew ugly profanities at anyone, who stands in his way. He have done to his own U.S. Senate colleagues many times. What kind of person we have for the higher public office? 

President Ronald Reagan and his wife, Nancy Reagan were very disgusted and horrified with Senator John McCain for what McCain done to his first wife and left her without any kind of financial support. The First Lady Reagan had to hire John McCain's first wife to help her out. Senator John McCain publicly admitted that he regretted for not working out with his first wife, the former model whose turned physically disabled from the auto accident during John's imprisonment. 

John McCain was supposed to be expelled from his military school for being insuburdation to the peer student commanders, but his mother managed to keep him in the school.  McCain ranted racial epithets toward his Vietnamese captors in English. He always was a pure opportuntist  all his life and wanted anything his way. McCain spent considerable time in Rio after his Vietnam imprisonment. Many of us knew that John McCain was no real war hero since he poorly miscalculated the Vietcong battleground positions. That reflected much of John McCain's intelligence capabilities and "reason" abilities which he stumbled poorly with Charles Keating, the greedy banker during his first years of the U.S. Senate career. 

Barack Obama is really the person of integrity and ingenuity, who is more likely to see the real abilities and contributions of deaf people as equals in the American society as compared to Senator John McCain and Sarah Palin's endless desperate acts. 

Mike McConnell of the "Deaf Republicans" had done real pandering and distortions of so-called deaf culture as what Governor Sarah Palin said "ILY" Come on! The "ILY" gesture meant real nothing. The Deaf Perspective blogger noted that there was no official positions on any deaf issues and disability positions on the McCain and Palin's 2008 campaign website. 

We, deaf people must show our own solidarity  by voting for Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States to reverse the disastrous Bush and other past Republican policies for the past economic and social inequality more than 25 years. 

Deaf Americans greatly benefited from the real economic and social prosperity of the Clinton presidency like opening the paths for the video relay service (VRS) and wireless communication and constant considerations for being inclusive within the deaf community. The Clinton's Federal Communication Commission (FCC) were very friendly and approachable to the deaf customers. The FCC under George W. Bush, deaf Americans had to fight and fight for what was right for our own deaf benefits from rapid transformation of our artificial communication, ex. wireless communication and VRS and emergency notices. 


                                         DON'T WE, DEAF PEOPLE WANT THAT?