Saturday, October 2, 2010

In Defense of Ken Davis, Deaf

First of all, Ken Davis NEVER, NEVER, NEVER claim to be a journalist. Davis is purely a news jockey to deliver his ponficiations (opinion, commentary) which he have much right as other vloggers and bloggers.

In the seas of Internet, there are too many unfiltered news reportings like Perz Hilton, very influential news shaker or Matt Drudge with many inaccurate news reportings.

Deaf NEVER, NEVER claimed to be the credible journalism or newsreporting. Ken Davis just use "NEWSPAPER" as a reminder of many fine deaf newspapers and "Little Family" tablets among deaf schools until 1950s.

Newspaper itself as a term meant printing news on cheap paper sheets. Ken Davis's "Deaf have to do nothing with the existence of newsprint paper sheets. His commentary/op-ed comes with the use of visual materials. Ken Davis do not hide behind the anonymous blog aggregator like Gina Sutton aka Candy. Ken came openly with his face and
ASL signings. Deaf America know that Ken Davis's news vlog postings really are not "newspaper".

Ken Davis would be properly called "columnist" or "op-ed" to share his thoughts. Davis's interpretation of the "AB 2072" coming from his own GUT FEELING what the AB 2072 bill really meant to him in personal way. Davis could see what the AB 2072 bill would lead to the next thing like the systematic path to quicker and easier implementation of getting deaf child to be cochlearized implanted thru the so-called gatekeepers' titled influences (audiologists and AVT greedy carpetbaggers).

Almost all newsreportings come with bias no matter how much we deny ourselves!

From what many deaf people across America get the first impression of the "AB 2072" bill after learning their experience with the "Early Hearing Detection Intervention" federal law known as EDHI.

At first, the Deaf America welcome the EDHI with open arms or no objections. Deaf Americans finally realized what the EDHI was really all about widening the path for the medical community to put the cochlear implants on many deaf babies and children as they could get on our deaf people.

Deaf Americans originally thought that the EDHI will be very helpful for parents to identify their deaf children and get them educated at early age, but they see the EDHI differently. More and more and more deaf babies and children ended up getting the CI, not introducing them to the world of deaf education. Deaf Americans had enough with the misleading intentions of so-called laws.

So the Deaf California rose against the AB 2072 bill since the deaf community NEVER got consulted on any legislative bills which greatly affected them as a social and linguistic community.

Deaf California and the Deafhood movement do NOT lose their face at all. They done very brillant political brinkmanships to defeat the AB 2072 bill by adding the lead metals on bill itself to sink and get vetoed. They were against the AB 2022 bill all the way while Barry Sewell, Mike McConnell, Candy and others flip-flopped on that bill through the whole process.

From the beginning, the "California Coalition" sleathly pushed for the AB 2072 bill thru Rep. Tony Mendoza without any inputs from the Deaf California community. The AB 2027 supporters among Barry Sewell, Mike McConnell, Candy and others along with the California Coalition GOT
EGGS ON THEIR FACES in the end, NOT the AB 2072 opponents.

Deaf California and Deafhood supporters were brilliantly played the California Legislature and Governor "Terminator" like the "Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby" folkfore.

Every of us could see who are outsmarted, outmanuevered, outwitted by the cultural and linguistic community with little money and humanpower. Deaf California and Deafhood supporters are the real 'Brer Rabbit" while the California Coalition, California Legislative
and Governor "Terminator" were the 'Brer Fox".

"Brer Rabbit" Deaf Community thumped and thumped and hopped and hopped in real joy to
defeat the AB 2072 bill thru brillant manuvering against the finanical Golitah - greedy audiologists, money-hungry CI manfacturers and exploitive AVT schools, clueless legislators
and budget-conscious Governor with the Kennedy name heavily hung on his neck especially Maria Shriver squeezed Arnie's balls.

Deaf America did outsmart, outwit and outmanuever the Hearing Establishment with the Deaf President Now 1988 protest, the Unity for Gallaudet 2006 protest and the Ab 2072 bill opposition all over again.

Mike McConnell denounced the Unity for Gallaudet 2006 protest and the AB 2072 bill opposition. Mikey and Barry Sewell and Candy and White Ghost were the ones whose got
eggs on their faces!

Ken Davis is also the Brer' Rabbit. Never underestimate the former deaf minister like Ken Davis. He is not really a dumb guy! Ken Davis is a great Deaf American with his stylish ASL signings! Look forward more of Ken Davis in the near future!

Who get the last laughs?? Of course, Deaf America! We laugh so hard on the floor and amuse at ourselves how we are really brilliant. Audists are real dummies along with Mike McConnell, Barry Sewell, Candy and White Ghost!

ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)