Monday, February 22, 2010

Is the U.S. Government Waging Sleath War on Deaf America?

After learning new historical facts about what the U.S. Government done to us during the Prohibition Era (1920-1933). If any of you
are not familar with the U.S. history. Here is

The U.S. Government was much than willing partner to sabotage the health of Americans in name of crisis management. Same historical parallels within numerous U.S. government's past efforts involved the past 30+ years of sleath campaign against the Deaf America.

What the U.S. government have done to the Deaf America so far? The U.S. government is really willing to encroach our peaceful existence as a linguistic and cultural minority status with the creation of the Center for Deafness under the National Institute of Health, a federal agency with nearly annual multi-million dollars budget -

The U.S. government is clearly declaring the war on Deaf America by subsidizing the funding of forced cochlear implants upon deaf babies and youngsters without their consents or permissions.

Why in the world for our own government identify and label our own existence as "disease control and prevention"?

See that several prominent deaf individuals serve on this advisory board how to wipe out our own existence as DEAF people -

Guess how much the U.S. government spend annually for the National Center for Deafness?

Nearly 300 million dollars in 2008!!!!!

Americans would be better off by using $300 million dollars to hire millions of unemployed deaf individuals to save, repair and build the new intrafrasctures within the United States of America to make our country employed, strong and proud.

Remember the infamous Tuskegee experiment on African Americans in the South from the 1910s to 1940s -

The U.S. government was the willing partner of exposing the unsuspecting African Americans to compromise their overall health over the longitude study. Not only affecting the African American males. The sinister health study also affected the innocent bystanders like wives and girlfriends and children of study participants in the long run.

We ought to demand the immediate stop to the real wasteful and ineffective and impractical government spending on the de-existence of truly beautiful and superior linguistic and cultural minority - US, DEAF SIGNERS AND NON-SIGNERS WHOSE VICTIMIZED BY FORCED COCHLEAR IMPLANT SURGERIES AGAINST THEIR OWN WISHES OR WITHOUT THEIR CONSENTS.

This blogger is neither a part of the idiotic Tea Party movement or anti-government activist. Just wonder how our own national government could misprioritize and misspend our hard-earned American taxpayer money in name of linguistic-cultural eradication.

ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)


  1. Who is implanting people without their (or their legal guardian's) permission?

    Never happens.

  2. It has happened in other countries with less oversight. But not in America, as far as I know.

  3. Miss Kat's Parents,

    I am speaking of thousandths of deaf babies and youngsters never were asked for their permission to let doctors implant devices.

    Parents ought to stop viewing their offsprings as their own property.

    All youngsters are part of the humanity, not very selfish parents
    or clueless parents.

    Do the parent(s) know better than the given community? My answer is big NO.


  4. Anonymous,

    Come on, our FDA, another federal agency, really don't know what they were doing in the first place with cochlear implant devices.

    FDA had been hijacked by the right wing to maximize the corporation profits since the Reagan adminstration.


  5. Cuckoo...cuckooo....cuckooo....

    Time to take your medication

  6. You're totally whacked.

    Your argument does sound pretty out there. Gotta agree with anonymous about you being cuckoo.

    Thank God, the Supreme Court recognizes the fundamental rights of parents.


  7. RLM:

    The problem with your (again) illogical and sensationalist arguments is that it is incorrect in nearly every form.

    1) The National Institute on Deafness and Communication Disorders is the proper name. It is a seperate entity that is under the umbrella of the National Institute for Health.

    2) A quick visit to the website shows that while the NIDCD DOES support research on potential benefits of cohlear implants, on another link titled "Communication Considerations", it plainly says "each child is different" and emphasizes that the most important thing is, that language aquisition begin as early as possible, whether it be signed language or other.

    3) While the benefits of surgery at a young age may be debateable, the fact remains, that parents or legal guardians are the decision-makers for young children, period. In the long run, my wife and I make the final decision about anything affecting our children. Certainly NOT YOU or any others in the Deaf OR Cochlear Implant communities. You all know NOTHING about my children, and I know nothing about yours or theirs.

    The US government is NOT "clearly declaring war" on the deaf community via "forced" implantation of children with a hearing loss. Spending money to study the pros and cons of an intervention method is not forcing anyone to do anything.

    For any of your readers who may be interested, HERE is the appropriate link to visit. The one he gave you IS for the CDC, but as usual, he didn't dig far enough, folks, and completely overlooked the real substance of the NIDCD.

    Eddie (ThumpaFlash)

  8. RLM,

    Next time, do a thorough research. You've just made a fool of yourself. Everybody can plainly see your ignorance.

  9. I strongly believe there are negative attitude about Deaf. FDA, CDC, American Medical Association, and NIH never ask the deaf Americans what we think about Cochlear Implants on the babies and at least 2 years of deaf children. They are not God given! Remember they are man-made agencies! I recalled the history of the years 1920-30's. They did not allow the deaf getting married because they were afraid they would have more deaf children and pushed for oralism in the deaf education. Hearing parents believe in those agencies that CI will work. Where are the statics on the failure of CI? I yelled at the kids with CI but they cannot hear me. Even they cannot use the voice phones to listen the voices with CI. Come on! There are reality. Many deaf chidren at deaf school told me that they wish they never have CI and already told their parents that CI do not work very well. Why does NAD and Deaf organization remain silent? Look at National Federal Society for the Blind and NACCP because they kept shout for their rights.

  10. I strongly believe there are negative attitude about Deaf. FDA, CDC, American Medical Association, and NIH never ask the deaf Americans what we think about Cochlear Implants on the babies and at least 2 years of deaf children. They are not God given! Remember they are man-made agencies! I recalled the history of the years 1920-30's. They did not allow the deaf getting married because they were afraid they would have more deaf children and pushed for oralism in the deaf education. Hearing parents believe in those agencies that CI will work. Where are the statics on the failure of CI? I yelled at the kids with CI but they cannot hear me. Even they cannot use the voice phones to listen the voices with CI. Come on! There are reality. Many deaf chidren at deaf school told me that they wish they never have CI and already told their parents that CI do not work very well. Why does NAD and Deaf organization remain silent? Look at National Federal Society for the Blind and NACCP because they kept shout for their rights.

  11. Let's break it down. You're ranting about several items: conspiracy against Deaf children, nefarious government involvement, the CI, and so on. Right away, you sound um, biased.

    I believe you're right in battling a hearing mindset that hearing is the end goal and everything should be focused on restoration of hearing and speech. However, let's not start by advocating restricting the choices that parents and d/Deaf people have.

    Instead, expose the CI industry and its connections to agencies and government. Expose the limited research data that is biased toward success and minimizes the failures. Show people who are having to deal with shortcomings as well as improvements. Ask questions. Aim for a balanced, complete information system.

    Conspiracy theories, outlawing CI support by insurance or government programs, restricting choices, and general anti-CI statements aren't going to work. People, especially Americans, are going to fight to the death for their principles including the right of choice.

    Show them that hearing is not required for success and show them successful people who are satisfied with living unaided, unimplanted and ASL-using lives, and that it is an equally acceptable choice as any other.

  12. Dianrez,

    I always hold you in high regards for your blog postings. I often want to post my comments on your blog entries, but doesn't want to deal with such hassles for password requirement, etc.

    Rights to parental choice? What about millions of defenseless fetuses against legal abortion to terminate their own existence?

    Defensless fetuses have no sayings whether they want to survive or not.

    Everyone know that the ongoing drug wars caused by customers themselves for driving up the demands via supply and demands.

    If not for customers, who will buy recreational drugs in the first place?

    Question our misdirected strategy attacking parents of deaf babies and kids might be agruably poigant.

    Our government research on our deafness give such legitimacy to the society at large that we ought to do something to fix and correct the so-called human physical flaws.

    If not for our government research and existence of Center for Deafness and Communication Disorders and Medicaid coverage for forced cochlear implant surgery upon deaf babies and kids without their consents or permission.

    We would save more than billion and billion dollars on CI devices, surgeries and speech trainings and specialists and CI replacements every 10 years.

    Biased? Everyone have their own biases anyway without admitting them.

    Sometimes great to be passionate and informed on particular issues.

    Originally wrote the more passionatge reply to Dianrez before this comment. My previous comment somehow disappeared into thin air.

    I recently changed my security password.

    I am not really proud of this comment, but hatet spending too much time on computer.


  13. Robert,

    Are you circumcised? If yes, are you upset at your parents for having your genital trimmed at a very young age with your consent?

    Same difference.

  14. Correction: withOUT your consent

  15. Toby,

    That is very PERSONAL question to be asked in the open public area whether I am circumised or not.

    To preserve my own personal intergity from answering your own question. Real sorry!

    Circumise the baby male which remove more than 1,000 nerves from the male foreskin.

    Pros and cons of male circumision I have to spell out in very lengthy details.

    I will come back when I have some substantial time. Okay?

    I have to go to the store tonight before the sale receipt expire today for returning shirts.

