Tuesday, April 6, 2010

That Will Profoundly Change Our Deaf Lives

Many deaf people's fear come true about the monopolistic cable companies when they decide to impose additional fees on your monthly cable bills due to the constant video relay service (VRS) and videophone (VP) uses. The Comcast v. FCC federal court decision eventually change the Deaf America for much worse. http://gawker.com/5510720/your-cable-company-can-now-tax-your-favorite-websites

The cable companies and ISP providers will make sleazy agruments that they could not handle the greater bandwidth capabilities within the VRS/VP uses. So that would be real justifable for the companies to rake in more $$$ of yours.

Guess that would be the END OF GOLDEN PERIOD FOR VRS AND VP USES among us, deaf Americans.

ASlize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)


  1. Roadrunner (Time Warner Cable) in Rochester NY proposed a tiered fee schedule last year...the least bandwidth usage would pay the lowest fee and the highest user of bandwidth would pay a maximium of around $100. per month.

    There was a massive protest and the argument that it was unfair to Deaf videophone users was among other arguments that were used.

    Time Warner backed down and announced that it was "temporarily shelving" the fee schedule.

  2. That will change after the Comncast's major victory against the FCC within the recent federal court decision.

    I will post something from the Web that many hearing people also express real concerns for viewing and posting the YouTube and other websites.


  3. That will change after the Comncast's major victory against the FCC within the recent federal court decision.

    I will post something from the Web that many hearing people also express real concerns for viewing and posting the YouTube and other websites.


  4. Dianrez,

    You could look up the recently attached link (which I tried at the earliest time and not possibly insert the link at the public computer use). Okay?

    I put the link within the end of first paragraph.

