Friday, July 27, 2007

That Would Be Real Nice if the DBEC Offer the AGBAB People

That would be real nice if the Deaf Bilingual Education Coaltion (DBEC) make the offer(s) which the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf (AGBAB), the medical professional and speech therapist attendees could NOT refuse.

If I am in the Deaf Bilingual Education Coaltion strategtic and logistical committee. I would propose for this group to call upon the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and the professional development conference attendees for an OPEN MEETING for a meaningful dialogues on the Audio Visual Therapy (AVT) greatly affect the deaf babies.

The second thing is to call the joint press conference within the Deaf Bilingual Education Coaltion and Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf proponents on the issue of Audio Visual Therapy (AVT).

Deaf Bilingual Education Coaltion could seen as a real partner to resolve and address the issue of questionable Audio Visual Therapy (AVT) methods to deprieve deaf babies with cochlear implant from acquiring the American Sign Language (ASL) and other visual communication methods, ex. Cued Speech.

Well, both groups choose confrontational approachs, instead of resolving issues on the middle ground. Remmy the "Brer' Rabbit and the Tar Baby" story which we could outsmart and outmanuever the opponent without exhausted ourselves for all nothing.

Upstaging and upbraiding an opponent is most effective means of all. Open meeting and joint press conference where both groups could address the issue of Audio Visual Therapy in constructive manners.

Denying any individual to the conference exhibit booth is most undemocratic and unacceptable way. At least, we are on the private property like the Marriott Gateway Hotel and the Crystal City Underground Mall. We have to embrace the no-win situation of having the public demonstration on the private property.

The AGBAD people seems choose to agnotize and suppress than offering open arms to us work out on the issue of Audio Visual Therapy. We could see that the medical professionals and speech therapists at this AGBAD-sponsored professional development to be real frightened about threating their well-paid salaried postitons to prey upon most vunlerable populace - deaf youngsters.

The AGBAB-sponsored professional development conference obviously responsible for the linguistic and cultural genocide among us, deaf people from being the most vibrant and socially-adjusted minority group in America.

The time for us to demand for the federal legislation to give the American Sign Language to be under the protected status for culturally and linguistic group like us, deaf people. Many countries do give the protected status to various linguistic-speaking populace within the primary linguistic usage.

You, Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf people ought not to blow out on the best chances to address the issue of Audio Visual Therapy (AVT) with the Deaf Bilingual Education Coaltion. We are waiting for your turn. You could not ignore or walk away from the concerned deaf individuals whose deeply care about the psycoeducational beings of deaf youngsters.

ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)


  1. You're famous for "What if", "We should", "It'd be nice" et al.

    In the last 127 years, did they MAKE an offer to start a dialogue?

    Right now, with our presence, we are making an offer for them to start the dialogue.

    That means what? They gotta wake up and do something!



  2. Ridor,

    I am rooting for the DBC protest against the AGBAD's illogical approach to deprieve deaf babies, especially all babies' access to easy communication with their parents and carekeepers.

    I am just writing this article for hearing audience to see our view of point and why we are doing the protest, etc.

    I am on the way to the DBC protest and root for all of you!

