Saturday, September 1, 2007

Oliver Sacks, Author of "Seeing Voices", Join Columbia University Faculty

Dr. Oliver Sacks recently join the Columbia University Faculty as a first Columbia artist, a newly-created designated postiton. Sacks is a well-known clinical professor in neuroscience (ex. neurology) with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, NY for 42 years. One of his books inspired the "Awakenings" film with Robin Williams as Dr. Oliver Sacks and Robert DeNiro as a comatose patient, then awakened 28 years later.

Dr. Oliver Sacks wrote the "Seeing Voices" book in response to the Deaf President Now movement and acknowledged the signing community as a non-disability. He and Dr. Harlan Lane were several hearing professionals in addressing the complexities of community norms and societal expectations, etc. Sacks himself realized his own pathological views of deaf people for years thru the medical viewpoints.

Some people in the Gallaudet community during the late 80s, accused Dr. Oliver Sacks of being an opporuntist just write the Seeing Voices book for bucks. Dr. Oliver Sacks seems disappeared from the world of deaf so far after receiving the lukewarm responses from the deaf community itself.

Dr. Oliver Sacks will receive the multimillion dollars in grants for continuting his studies on neurology area at the Columbia University.

You could see Dr. Oliver Sacks's "Seeing Voices" book at the and type "Seeing Voices" on the search engine for reading the book reviews and criticisms.

For the NY Times (NYT) article on Dr. Oliver Sacks to be Admitted to the Columbia University faculty -

or http:www.nytimes and register for an online access and type oliver sacks on the NY Times search. The NYT article is on Saturday, September 1st, 2007

ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)

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