Monday, May 18, 2009

Vivienne Schroeder, Deaf Tibdit, 5/19/09

Just let the DeafRead readers and viewers know that our own Carl Schroeder's deaf daughter, Vivienne Schroeder recently graduated from Gallaudet University last Friday, May 15th.

Vivienne Schroeder will seek the master degree after this Gallaudet graduation.

Let us wish Vivienne Schroeder all the best and success within her graduate studies!

All of you could see what Vivienne Schroeder really look like in her videocast for the VL2
Center. Here is an enclosure - or type
"Vivienne Schroder" on the search log of

ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)


  1. You know that "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." I'm really proud of Vivienne!

  2. Carl,

    Of course! No questions how Vivienne get your intellects and maturity.

    I was not fully sure if I did meet Vivienne when we encountered at your parents' condo community pool pretty long time ago.

    I just remember your kids were just toddlers or little kids. :)

    Congrats to you, her mom and Vivienne for being a fine deaf citizen. :)

