Wednesday, December 26, 2007
New Book Pointed Out to AGB's Deceptive Practices
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Question the Validity of "Fact Findings" Deaf Blog!
"Fact Findings" deaf blog is questionably validated with the so-called fact findings of the Deaf American Community. The blogger and blog itself do not provide any kind of statistical information or circuminstal evidence(s) at all.
How interestings of many deaf bloggers and commentators, who openly identified themselves thru familar screen name and real name as Jack Barr and other mores. Those deaf individuals convey and express their own inner thoughts honestly and unrestricted as compared to other deaf and hearing individuals using anonymous and deceived online alias.
Will you kindly please identify yourself as the blogger of "Fact Findings"? Or we will dismiss your fact findings from now on.
You know that there are such deaf societal norms and expectations for identifying ourselves to the given deaf community. Or consider such a violation of our "unwritten" deaf community pact.
Welcome to the DeafRead blogsphere whoever you are!
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
Friday, November 30, 2007
How to Blog/Vlog Safely Without Getting Fired, Demoted or Suspended
There are several organizations and legal experts helping out bloggers/vloggers with their own constitutional rights to express themselves like the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). Legal guides for bloggers and vloggers are included in this website and other websites devoted to the freedom of expression and the speech.
More and more municipal governments and educational institutions forbade their own employees from having their own blogs/vlogs outside the employment premises due to fear about privacy issues, ex. students.
California is only the U.S. state with protections for people from getting fired, demoted, reprisal and suspended in any ways.
State and municipal employees ought to check out with their unions and employment guidelines and employment attorneys. They could blog anonymously without anyone find out the real identity of individual(s) involved.
Hopefully that will be very reassuring and helpful for would-be deaf bloggers/vloggers, who happen to be employed within public sectors.
Freedom of expression and the speech should prevail within all of us from tyranny, fear and condemnation.
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
Monday, November 19, 2007
"Signage", Film Review
"Signage" film shown at many film festivals across the United States for nearly past year and won some awards.
Police Recently Taserized Deaf 20 Years Guy, then Died at the Hosptial
More info could be found at this WRC-4 website, or type WRC4 and DC or Jarrel Gray on any search engine.
No questions about Ridor aka Ricky Taylor of the "RidorLive" will be infuriated about the latest police brutality. Ridor eventually will say "Told You So!" on his blog.
Unfortunately about someone deaf lost his life to the senseless and illogical action by the law enforcement officers. Please send sympathy and support to Jarrel Gray's mother. who evidently is very outraged about this whole incident.
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason
Marlee Maltin Neutral on CI Issues
Bill Rancic interviewed Marlee Matlin on the set of the "L-Word", Showtime-TV mature programming after the filming of final season episode(s). Rancic inquired Marlee Maltin about the CI issue. Maltin responded "I want to be netural on CI issues and doesn't want to get into this ....". MM managed to offer her own opinion that the parents of deaf youngsters ought to make a decision carefully whether the CI surgery is best for hir own children or not.
Hearing interviewer, Bill Rancic surprised Actress Marlee Maltin that he have his own sister, who is a certified audiologist. Maltin kept her own cool that Rancic tried to inject his own knowledge what his sister done with deaf children, blah.
Unforunately, there is no video clip from Marlee Maltin's interview. Nor taped this interview for the DeafRead readers within the RLMDEAF blog. So all of you out there, could draw your own conclusion from seeing the entire video clip of Marlee Maltin interview.
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Open E-Message to Richard Roehem, OCED (ASL Issue)
Why should we, deaf people have to be obligated to accomodate hearing people's rudimentary (limited and inferior) signings at any various deaf events for their own sake???
Deaf people in general NEED some break from the dominant (hearing) society from time to time and want to interact with other deaf fellows in their own language WITHOUT taxing themselves to please hearing signers. Deaf events are not the time or place for practicing ASL.
Hearing signers ought to know better than imposing themselves upon any of us, deaf people at any deaf events or coffeehouse gatherings.
Deaf people are NOT only the linguistic group really annoyed with gawkers and so-called fluent speakers (signers). Many minority or dominant-speaking linguistic groups OFTEN get impatient and crassy with some people barge into their social lives.
French Parisians are well-known for scoffing at many tourists, especially Americans for speaking unintelligent linguistic sentences/phrases. Parisians do NOT have time for anyone, who wish to polish up their French spoken skills!!! Excuse moi! No questions about handful of rural French populace generously sacrifice their time for any gawkers speaking inferior French which they have not much things to do.
Deaf events, coffeehouse social times and silent suppers are not supposed to be the annexation of ASL classrooms. Any hearing people have the ability to sign much fluently in ASL. Deaf attendees will feel worthy of their time to have non-awkward conversations with fluent hearing signers.
I often could not wait for hearing signers with poor ASL skills leaving the ASL Dinner. So we, deaf people could take our social time back to ourselves and speak freely without worrying about other hearing people not comprehend what we are talking about.
Other minority/dominant-speaking linguistic groups will give you subtle message - "Get lost! We just want to have good time, not laboring ourselves to teach hearing people on our own time". Or we should get paid for partial tutoring hearing signers? Why not!
I often was told by hearing people as a deaf kid that they just talked "all nothing, not anything important" within their social conversation. Getting even with hearing people and make them understand what many of us, deaf people were going through for years. D'accord?
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Cochlear Implant User as Criminal on "CSI: Miami", Oct. 8, 2007
The episode title of "CSI: Miami" TV was "Inside Out" on the air date of October 8, 2007. The main plot was about the deadly prison bus outbreak which the female character with CI attempted to help out her lover and other prisoners escaped from the heavy-security transportation. The unknown actress played the role of deaf person with cochlear implant led to her own demise on the show. She was not clearly identified as a deaf person til later. The injured police officer originally thought that he shot the deaf female as an innocent civilian during the fog of war.
The CSI Miami forensic team actually found out that the police officer really didn't shoot the deaf person at all. Someone did! The prison bus outbreak was plotted by tens of total strangers desperate for $2 million payout to help the reputable drug dealer and his friends escaped from the bus. The deaf girlfriend with CI lost her dependable device after several individuals bumped into her. She desperately looked for the misplaced device. The police officer was previously beaten by the drug dealer and gang of escaped prisoners which mistakenly shot the deaf female with CI. One of male hearing opporuntist intentionally shot the deaf female with CI out of personal greed and wanted $2 million dollars all to himself. The chaotic scene followed prisoners escaped to the red SUV.
The presence of .45 gun was nowhere to be find on the crime scene. The police officer usually used the .9mm gun, not the .45 gun. The deaf girlfriend with CI was discovered to be an accomplice for her drug dealer boyfriend, not really a victim at all. Yes, the deaf character with CI, did use ASL to the drug dealer boyfriend about one of prisoners to be a son of the head of CSI forensic team.
Why the delights about the deaf character with CI to be realistically portrayed as a victim, then an accomplice? Much pleased to see the popular entertainment portrayed someone deaf with CI in that manner.
So the parents of would-be deaf babies and children probably have second thoughts about cochlearizing their own offspring after seeing the tragic consequences of CI use. The portrayal of deaf character with CI clearly shown that the CI users are too preoccupied with the device, instead of looking out for their own personal safety or on alert for anything out of ordinary.
Culturally deaf individuals would be more observant of their own surroundings and keep hawkish eyes on people around them. The "CSI: Miami" TV programming could be a best example of shortcomings with the CI use.
Last year's "CSI: NY" TV show also made the mockery of cochlear implants use. Bravo to the CSI producers and writers for covering the subject of cochlear implants use in much unfavorable status.
The writers of "CSI: Miami" TV programming are Sunil Nagar and John Haynes. We ought to give the media awards to the CSI TV programming producers and CBS Network for such an accurate portrayal of deaf people with cochlear implants. That could be our best campaign against cochlear implants by hearing people! We ought to encourage more filmmakers and television producers to cast deaf people with CI as much vulnerable and dependable upon the device itself. People in general will have second thoughts about the CI device installed in deaf babies and youngsters without their consent.
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Please Mobilize Deaf Maine Community To Make Their Presence at All University of Maine on "International Sign Language Day"
You may email several deaf individuals affiliated with the Deaf Maine organizations -
James Brown, President of Bangor Deaf Club
President of Maine Association of the Deaf
Lois Morin, Secretary of Maine Alumni Association of the Deaf
June Carrier, President of Maine Deaf Senior Citizens
20 Liza Harmon Drive, Apt. 10
Westbrook, ME 04092
#854-8836 TTY
Abby Bouchard, Secretary of Maine Recreation Association of the Deaf
4 Winding Way
Standing, ME 04084
#642-6718 (V)
# (D-Link/VP)
Glenn Pelletier, President of Maine Deaf Biker
Richard Morlock, Vice President
Larissa Kothenbeutal. Secretary
Please urge all the officials of deaf Maine organizations to send in formal retribution to criticize Michael Dabrieo's Soapbox column in the Maine Campus student newspaper based on societal mysfonication.
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
What Will You Make Out of Hearing Campus Article Blasting Deaf People's Inability to Reason on CI issue?
Some of you probably did not see the recent Deaf Times enclosed article thru Phil Moos' Deaf L-News. CLICK HERE to read Michael Dabrieo's article.
What will you make out of Michael Dabrieo's illogical article about Deaf People's Refusal to Reason on Cochlear Implant Surgery on Deaf Youngsters? You need to know some facts about the influential Michael Dabrieo on University of Maine student body population and city of Bangor.
Michael Dabrieo, University of Maine senior student and journalism major, ever in the Honor College program, wrote the Soapbox article blasting Deaf People for their refusal to be reasonate with the cochlear implant surgery on deaf babies. See the attached link via article below.
The Maine Campus newspaper is affilated with other seven universities in the state of Maine from University of Maine, Bangor, Augusta, Farmington ,Fort Kent, Machias, Presque Isle and Univeristy of Southern Maine and Maine Law School. The Maine Campus newspaper have been regularly picked up by 50 college newspapers for article re-publications.
Dabrieo is the student Journalist of the Year 2007 receptient at the upcoming awards. Dabrieo is also a popular student newspaper columnist and athlete within the men's cross-country and track team. You may see his photo at He will graduate in December 2007.
Please send in your online opinion to the Letter of Editor for the "Maine Campus" student newspaper at this email address -
in civilized way with your logical agruments. We need to appear as pragmatic and self-sufficient individuals to defy the growing dismissal of our legitimate concerns for deaf babies and the existence of deaf people.
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Oliver Sacks, Author of "Seeing Voices", Join Columbia University Faculty
Dr. Oliver Sacks wrote the "Seeing Voices" book in response to the Deaf President Now movement and acknowledged the signing community as a non-disability. He and Dr. Harlan Lane were several hearing professionals in addressing the complexities of community norms and societal expectations, etc. Sacks himself realized his own pathological views of deaf people for years thru the medical viewpoints.
Some people in the Gallaudet community during the late 80s, accused Dr. Oliver Sacks of being an opporuntist just write the Seeing Voices book for bucks. Dr. Oliver Sacks seems disappeared from the world of deaf so far after receiving the lukewarm responses from the deaf community itself.
Dr. Oliver Sacks will receive the multimillion dollars in grants for continuting his studies on neurology area at the Columbia University.
You could see Dr. Oliver Sacks's "Seeing Voices" book at the and type "Seeing Voices" on the search engine for reading the book reviews and criticisms.
For the NY Times (NYT) article on Dr. Oliver Sacks to be Admitted to the Columbia University faculty -
or http:www.nytimes and register for an online access and type oliver sacks on the NY Times search. The NYT article is on Saturday, September 1st, 2007
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
In Response to Mish's Corner - More Religious People Use the Federal Law to Refuse ......
More and more religious zealots exploit the existing federal law - "Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993" as an excuse to refuse to proceed with any workplace or personal task.
Several recent cases involved the male doctor at the emergency room (ER) refused to accompany the simple request from the female rape victim for the "after-morning pills" to prevent any unwanted pregancy. The doctor simply ignored the endless pleas from that rape victim. At last, the doctor finally responded "Sorry, I could not give you the "after-morning pill" which is against my religious belief".
Same thing happened with the pharmacist refused to serve the female client for the birth control prescription. The pharmacist stated "That is against my religious belief".
The passage of "Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993" federal law was in response to the controvestial topic on the use of peyeote by the Native Americans. The law enforcement officers arrested the particular tribe for using peyeote (hallicutated drug), etc.
The U.S. Supreme Court declared the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, Public Law 103-141, November 16,1993, 103rd Congress, H.R. #130 to be unconstitutional in a 6 to 3 decision in June 25,1997 in the case of City of Boerne, Texas v. Flores.
States across the United States ought to address the issue of educational interpreters what they could do or not.
More info on the Religious Freedom Restortation Act of 1993 Act - 1993.hmtl
Excellent vlog presentation, Mish! I would respond much earlier but the computer system error prevent me from doing it yesterday. I hope that my blog posting is very helpful for you to comphrend why terps and other people usually find some kind of excuses for not going ahead with their given duties.
More employers are putting in sticky situations.
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
Monday, August 27, 2007
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
Friday, August 10, 2007
Forty years since the foundation of the Telecommunication for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing International (TDI), this organization have been involved in the advocacy for accessible electronic communications on the behalf of deaf customers from the clunky teletype machines to slim and light PDAs.
Numerous issues facing deaf users of modern communication devices and entertainment appliances from the videophones (VP) in public places to capacity of captionings within high definition television (HDTV). The captionings of online webcasts will be also addressed.
The following workshops and lectures will be covering the topics of "Mobile ASL", "Wireless Captioning System","Status of Equipment Distribution Programs", "Making Captioned Radio a Reality" and "Using Video Interpreters Battle Interpreter Shortages".
For more info regarding the 2007 TDI Conference - click
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason
Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Elvis Presley, King of Rock 'n Roll, appeared in black leather outfits which shocked many Americans in 1968. His fan used to his clean and squeaky image
There are the DVDs issued Elvis's "1968 Comeback" TV special, but no captions.
I am no "Elvis" fan myself, but repeatedly mesmerized by my deaf friends about the 30th Anniversary of Elvis's Death this year. One of my deaf friend is surely excited about viewing the 1968 comeback of Elvis Presley from his career doldrums with captions.
Any of you, deaf people have personal experience like meeting the "King" in the past or heard about other deaf people embraced Elvis Presley somewhere.
THANKS to the TVLAND people for making "Elvis's 1968 Comeback" TV special possible to be broadcasted in captions for the die-hard and curious Elvis deaf fans. I will watch this special for my deaf friends!
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
CMRA Done It Again! CMRA Broke Many Deaf Rules!
CMRA recently make the formal announcement for hosting the "EYE" Party at the Green Lantern gay bar. The real problem about CMRA's Social Committee for not being inclusive and accessible with their online community, "CMRA Zoom". This committee never bother to set up the forum for anyone to leave any inputs or ideas for where we could host our annual "Eye" Party. I also am on the CMRA's Social Committee to build up the dwindling membership base and recruit new fresh blood for this social deaf local GLBT organization. I never receive any e-discussions for the selection of this year's "EYE" Party. Why an unilateral decision by someone from the CMRA's Social Committee? I already expressed my concerns and thoughts about hosting any CMRA event at the Green Lantern in the past. No accessiblity for physically-challenged (HC) deaf attendees regarding the CMRA's Dingo events.
"Green Lantern" bar is not really a perfect place for hosting the annual "EYE" Party due to the fact that it is predominately gay bar, not "mixed" sexes bar. Deaf Lebsians would feel overwhelmed with the male porn video feedbacks all over the place. The surrounding environment are too dark for DEAF EYES!!! No dance floors for deaf young 20s and 30s GLBTs!! Handful of deaf GLBTs, especially former alcoholics do not feel comfortable about going to the bar settings.
Many deaf GLBT attendees from last year's "EYE" Party told me privately, especially out of town visitors - "Is that all (looking around the place)? "Where is the dance floor?", "Don't I have to buy my own drinks after paying $10 admission? *duh* Some lebsians felt bewildered after seeing some guys in their underwears for the special "free drinks with underwears" night.
Green Lantern's spacious parking space are all gone due to the recent area development in front of the bar.
Hopefully, the CMRA's Social Committee will reconsider the hosting of "EYE" Party somewhere with the dance floor to attract and please the younger deaf GLBT generation and bright environment settings less strained on DEAF EYES.
The annual "EYE" Party ought to be not treated like a fundraising event. The CMRA board along with the inactive organizational status, should find some ways for fundraising events to pay off the remaining debts from the Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf Conference 2005 in Washington, DC.
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
Monday, July 30, 2007
Recommended "Deaf Classics" NonFiction Books Related to the AGBAB Protest
"Forbidden Signs: American Culture and the Campaign Against Sign Language" by
Douglas C. Baynton
Magnifique book on how the Milan Conference and the proponents of oral education of the deaf dramatically turn the American society into suppressing the use of sign language everywhere.
"Never the Twain Shall Meet: Bell, Gallaudet and the Communication Debate" by
Richard Winefield
Insightful book on how and what Edward Miner Gallaudet (EMG) and Alexander Graham Bell (AGB)'s communication debates greatly influenced the mindsets of American deaf education philsophy. In the book, EMG was mainly responsible for deprieving the deaf Gallaudet students from being in the formal teaching trainings within the "Normal Department" in response to the growing threats of AGB's influential contacts at the U.S. Captiol.
"Everyone Here Spoke Sign Language: Herditary Deafness on Martha's Vineyard" by
Nora Ellen Grace
This book clearly pointed out Alexander Graham Bell's own hyprocrisy on the study of herditary deaf genes. AGB hid his own study on Martha Vineyard's deaf residents from the general public which contradicted his own agruments about deaf genes. The AGBAB organization was very infuriated with Author Nora Ellen Grace for exposing AGB's lies and deceits. The AGBAB supplied AGB's research notes to the author. The ABGBAB people knew about AGB's deceitful practices to the general public in name of his own ideology on what deaf people should be, etc.
The benefits of signings were frequently mentioned in the mixed community of deaf and hearing people in the 19th whaling community. Many deaf and hearing people used the spyglasses to sign to each others in ahead of its time - Videophone (VP).
"The Mask of Benevolence Disabling the Deaf Community" by Harlan Lane
"When the Mind Hears: A History of the Deaf" by Harlan Lane
Note: There are several videotapes with Patrick Graybill signed in ASL reading from Harlan Lane's book(s). Check out the Gallaudet Bookstore for this Graybill videotapes.
"The Deaf Experience: Classics in Language and Education" (Gallaudet Classics in
Deaf Studies Series, Vol. 5) by Harlan Lane
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
Friday, July 27, 2007
That Would Be Real Nice if the DBEC Offer the AGBAB People
If I am in the Deaf Bilingual Education Coaltion strategtic and logistical committee. I would propose for this group to call upon the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and the professional development conference attendees for an OPEN MEETING for a meaningful dialogues on the Audio Visual Therapy (AVT) greatly affect the deaf babies.
The second thing is to call the joint press conference within the Deaf Bilingual Education Coaltion and Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf proponents on the issue of Audio Visual Therapy (AVT).
Deaf Bilingual Education Coaltion could seen as a real partner to resolve and address the issue of questionable Audio Visual Therapy (AVT) methods to deprieve deaf babies with cochlear implant from acquiring the American Sign Language (ASL) and other visual communication methods, ex. Cued Speech.
Well, both groups choose confrontational approachs, instead of resolving issues on the middle ground. Remmy the "Brer' Rabbit and the Tar Baby" story which we could outsmart and outmanuever the opponent without exhausted ourselves for all nothing.
Upstaging and upbraiding an opponent is most effective means of all. Open meeting and joint press conference where both groups could address the issue of Audio Visual Therapy in constructive manners.
Denying any individual to the conference exhibit booth is most undemocratic and unacceptable way. At least, we are on the private property like the Marriott Gateway Hotel and the Crystal City Underground Mall. We have to embrace the no-win situation of having the public demonstration on the private property.
The AGBAD people seems choose to agnotize and suppress than offering open arms to us work out on the issue of Audio Visual Therapy. We could see that the medical professionals and speech therapists at this AGBAD-sponsored professional development to be real frightened about threating their well-paid salaried postitons to prey upon most vunlerable populace - deaf youngsters.
The AGBAB-sponsored professional development conference obviously responsible for the linguistic and cultural genocide among us, deaf people from being the most vibrant and socially-adjusted minority group in America.
The time for us to demand for the federal legislation to give the American Sign Language to be under the protected status for culturally and linguistic group like us, deaf people. Many countries do give the protected status to various linguistic-speaking populace within the primary linguistic usage.
You, Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf people ought not to blow out on the best chances to address the issue of Audio Visual Therapy (AVT) with the Deaf Bilingual Education Coaltion. We are waiting for your turn. You could not ignore or walk away from the concerned deaf individuals whose deeply care about the psycoeducational beings of deaf youngsters.
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
The Untold Story of NTID as Orginally Desginated for Oralist Deaf Students!
Thank Goodness, the U.S. Congress back in late 60s, insisted that the proposal for the NTID to serve deaf students of all linguistic and communication methods background. Dr. William Castle caved in to the wishes of the wisest and logical U.S. Congress.
We know the NTID nowaday accompanying the diverse student body within their linguistic uses and communication methods.
We are much aware of the history of Alexander Graham Bell (AGB) and the Alexander Graham Bell Association of the Deaf engaged in frightening "social engineering" of deaf people to deprieve their most practical and accessible communication effectiveness like the use of American Sign Language and natural language. For example, Alexander Graham Bell successfully persuaded the state New York legislative body to fund and operate the Lexington School for the Deaf in the city of New York to exclude the deaf students with the use of sign language.
In the end, we saw the real failure on AGB's part for his claims about helping deaf Lexington students to intergrate fully into the society at large. The Lexington graduates ended up formed their own deaf social club and not participated in any hearing civic societies.
Nature always come to the works of mystery which we, human beings could not able to master our human destinty. We ought to let the nature taking its own course, not meddlings from the likes of Alexander Graham Bell proponents.
We ought to call for the formal investigation into the NTID's taxpayer funds for engaged in the exclusivity of other deaf people from being one of the sponsor of the Alexander Graham Bell's professional development conference for medical professionals and speech therapists.
Will there be the formal boycott against the Marriott, Inc for their lack of proper handlings of dissenters and protestors without any senstivity training(s) regarding culturally deaf populace? Hope so!
Before closing this blog posting. Yes, this blog ought to enclose historical documentations involved the original proposal for the NTID's exclusivity of deaf student signers and catered to oralist deaf students only in timely manner.
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
ASL Family Day During the AGBAD Research Conference??
Concerned Deaf individuals and opponents of limited educational methods option for deaf youngsters, ought to bring their own families including vibrant deaf children, especially signers. Our presence with deaf children signers will be surely upstage the medical and speech therapy professionals with the lively language usage of American Sign Language.
Deaf signers among deaf youngsters would ask the medical and speech therapy professionals a simple question - "What's wrong with me?", "I don't see why you want to fix me","I am really doing fine in my school and excel in many subjects", "I fully use American Sign Language" and "Do you still want to deprieve my own rich cultural and linguistic upbringing or what?"
The "ASL Family Day" at the Virginia Highlands Park would be a perfect opporunity for attracting the families and individuals of the deaf to get together and make our presence clearly visible to the attendees of medical community and speech therapy professionals and make them feel little uncomfortable. Deaf individuals could just patronize the nearby eateries and coffeehouses and stores within the proximity of the hotel where the research conference on the AVT therapy and other methods held.
We could have the fundraising event at the Virginia Highlands Park like serving burgers and other foods to support the fund directly into the Deaf Bilingual Education Coaltion. We could have our own fun at the same time. Our presence surely will make the research conference attendees totally uncomfortable. Just two blocks from the Crystal City Gateway hotel. The street address is 1600 S. Hayes Street a block from the Pentagon City Fashion Centre (mall/shopping center), too.
Few of us could dress up like Alexander Graham Bell (AGB) with the rear head side of wolf in sheep's clothings. We could have the ASL skits and meetings at very same place. That is much better than going all the way to Gallaudet University's Student Activity Center (SAC). Raising $$, Making Our Presence in Non-Threatening Manner, Hold Meetings and Expressing Our Concerns in Very Visible Way. AGB impersonators and street theatres, ASL skits, fun activity for families of the deaf and clothing wears with our own messages. So we don't have to apply for the permit within public demonstration or deal with the local police.
We surely could waltz into the Crystal City Gateway Hotel on the way to the Underground City (shopping venue) and Metrorail station. The attendees of this research conference and hotel management could not do anything about it.
The media people would dig us pretty much for our own approach and creativity without going thru much hassles and troubles.
Let's have the "ASL Family Event" during the mid-day and whole evening time for the deaf protestors and deaf locals of Metropolitian Washington area to unload ourselves for the full blastin' time. More and more numbers of deaf presence will make ourselves like real formidable opponents to the medical community and speech therapy professionals.
Virginia Highlands Park, 1600 S. Hayes Street
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
Sign Language Under Protected Status For Cultural and Linguistic Minority
Before the WFD membership body and country represenatives convenued in Madrid (Spain) this week. Estimated 32 countries across the globe already had sign language of their countryperson under protected status for cultural and linguistic minority, ex. Australia.
Hopefully the United Nation finally approve the formal recognizance of sign language to be placed under protected status for cultural and linguistic minority in timely manner.
The remaining question about the United States's response to the United Nation's approval for placing the sign language including American Sign Language under protected status. We know how our own country under the Republican leadership's usual defiance of the United Nation's postiton on various issues.
When our native and acquired language like the American Sign Language (ASL) to be formally recognized under the protected status for cultural and linguistic minority. What will be the real impact of ASL under the protected status? Will there be any controvesty within the political, social and economic landscape in the United States regarding ASL under the protected status.
That will be a real victory for us, the deaf American community at large to be finally embraced with true appreciation and respect for the visual-spatial language from ASL to LSF.
The latest impact of sign language under the protected status already occurred in the "Down Under" (Australia) which the use of Signed English no longer possible implented in several Australian classrooms of the deaf. See that??
We have to await for the incoming reports from the NAD and deaf United States representatives after their World Federation of the Deaf conference. *Waving hands to real hardworking WFD ad hoc committee and chairperson*
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Piece of Advice for AGB Protest
Most important of all is to hire the reputable and trusted public relations agency for mastering the media handlings on the behalf of the Deaf Bilingual Education Coalition. We really could find the public relations agency to give us a "trial-run" account or pro bono as part of securing the long-term contract. We are against the real Golitah like the multi-millionaire and influential powerhouse, Alexander Graham Bell Association of the Deaf and the Volta Bureau.
Glad to know that John Ebgert and the Deaf Bilingual Education Coaltion decide to have selected individuals to be fully authorized for speaking with the media than having handful of individual protestors sputter out conflicting statements and messages. That have been happened during the "Unify for Gallaudet" protest.
Hopefully will see the Deaf Bilingual Education Coaltion participants and team leaders to have the organizational leadership structure from the media coordinator to the official spokesperson (if necessary) to tactical counteroffensive training coordinator how to deal effectively with the law enforcement officers and hotel management.
Highly recommended for videotaping every media interviews and press conferences and protest activities for our own protection and organizational video archives, etc. Using the video library for future disputes with media people if they distort such statements from the Deaf Bilingual Education Coaltion.
Setting up the registration site for interested individuals to help out with the upcoming protest against the AGBAD and weed out any possible sabeteours and inflirators. The registry of protest and organizational participants could be truly effective for future network contacts. Keep the registry only to the authorized individuals from any kind of misabuse or privacy violation.
Shane Feldman of the, surely gave effective advice what we could make real difference within our counteroffensive activities against the Alexander Graham Bell Association of the Deaf (AGBAB) like re-arranging the makeover of the AGBAD board members and at large member and tilt the board consesus to the pragmatism of practical and workable deaf educational methods.
Ricky Taylor aka Ridor on his blogsite, "" on his bubble guru, told many of us to go ahead with the protest. I profoundly agree with him as how we embrace the protest in respectful and peaceful manners without verbally abuse or engage in hostile mannerism.
Well-dressed protestors and organizational representatives are real necessity for the media image. Avoid wearing any casual tank top and t-shirts and cut-off jean shorts. Just wear comfortable short-sleeve shirt and khakis and light color-coordinated clothes. We want to represent the best image of ourselves to the society at large and media people. Excellent image presentation of ourselves would save such embrassment as compared to the well-dressed conference attendees. Just one day for protest participation and the sake of public image within the deaf community at large, especially the signing community.
Rallies and public demonstrations are no longer an effective tool of getting the public attention. At least, we could make our presence known to the AGBAB people and their supporters and cochlear implant manfacturers and medical comnunity that we are definitely watchful of their intentions, agendas and network power mechanisms.
Memorable slogans and clear-defined mission statments for this ucpoming AGBAB protest are real MUST. Printed brochures and media packets and additional resources are valuable tools for effective media communication with media reporters and editors and publishers.
Call for the donations from the deaf retailers like related non-fiction books from the "Campaign Against Sign Language", "Twain Shall Meet" and past publications and studies on the questions of oral educational methods toward deaf youngsters. Those resources could be vital tool for media reporters and other people to comphrend why we are doing such thing like the counteroffensive protest against the AGBAB current leadership. Use AGB's own hyprocritical postitons on the use of sign language and herditary deafness research studies against the contradications of the AGBAB's philsophy and agenda for deaf youngsters.
Worming in the organizational structure is truly effective and time-saving approach as what Shane Feldman of the implied in his two e-articles on the upcoming AGBAB protest.
Check out the use of parlimentary procedure at the AGBAB conference. We could use the parlimentary procedures to our favor within protecting the rights of minority voice for meetings/conferences in general.
Hosting the informal pre-conference party at the hotel or on the first night of conference to schoomoze and to get know the AGBAB delegation people and members and attendess. Persuasive skills with kind and thoughtful pose often win the minds and hearts of opponents from how we treat those people.
Gather all kind of information from the finanical supporters of the AGBAB conference and organization itself and membership body what make them click and respond.
Drawing up the agreement form for any interested participants within the protest activities to be committed to the conduct of rules within the Deaf Bilingual Education Council for respectful and proper and non-threatening behaviors during the protest or non-protest time. If someone do not engage in agreed behaviors and be asked to leave the premise and do not consider him or her to be affilated with the Deaf Bilingual Education Coalition. The agreement form could keep the DBEDC from any kind of liability if someone go too far or not comply with the ideals and goals of the DBEDC organization.
Prepare for any kind of worst within the protest activities or meetings. Work closely with the local law enforcement unit and officers to keep everything under control. The law enforcement people would greatly appreciate when we coordinate openly with them to prevent any misunderstandings or communication breakdown.
Call the Arlington County Police and Sheriff Department about the permit for public demonstration in advance. Whether you or the rest of organizational people do not have any plan for public demonstration. Just do the permit inquiry as part of the Plan B, C and D, E.......
I could go further on more stragetic means for the upcoming AGB protest, but not rather publicly post them on the very public forum like the DeafRead. Will engage in private e-correspondences with the Deaf Bilingual Education Council and other supporters without exposing our plans, etc.
The last thing is to contact the civil liberties organization for sending one of their lawyer to monitor our protest activities and keep abreast of any police misconducts and false accusations, etc. The assigned lawyer and the team would keep protestors from being unfairly arrested or wrongly accused.
Ryan Commerson, FSSA student leader, learned much from the people of the NVCA during the "Unity for Gallaudet" for effective strategies and other things.
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
What is your "Unity for Gallaudet" story?
Where have you been during last year's May 1st 2006? How did you learn about the student protest brewed out on Gallaudet main campus? What was your intital reaction? What did you assume about the state of protest? What source (s) did you find out more about the first day of "Unity for Gallaudet" protest? How you really feel about the "UFG" sparked out? What were your personal assessment about the chain of events led to the "UFG"? What did you seen yourself on that day?
Would love to read your "UFG" story. Let's start with mine-
I went to the Kendall Green campus for having the early afternoon appointment with deaf audiologist, who works on her thesis paper on "People with Waardensburg Syndrome (WS) and Balance Assessment". We did reschedule few times before May 1st. I was on my way to the Mary Thornberry Building (MTB). Handful of Gally people and alumnus stopped me and informed me about the Gallaudet Board of Trustees' last-minute change of plan for an announcement of new Gallaudet President on May 1st. I replied "What?? The announcement was supposed to be on May 8th."
I found the deaf audiologist to see if we could reschedule our testing session for "WS". The deaf audiologist said "Me, too! I want to go to the GKCC to find out who is the new Gallaudet prez!" I ran to the GKCC before people packed in the Swindell Auditorium. I was few foot from the auditorium door. I chatted with Cary Barbin before entering the auditorium. Another Gally employee chatted with me. Few Gallaudet students had conversation with me thru the use of Sidekick pager because of Carl Pramuk sat above us. I waved to other people on another side of auditorium.
The moment came with Cecil Baldwin, Gallaudet Board of Trustees chairperson made the announcement about the 9th Gallaudet President with fingerspelling of J A N E. I knew that was Jane Fernandes. I had my stomach dropped in reek. I stood up right away after Baldwin spelled Fernandes. I immediately walked out to the door and saw the whole incident with Ryan Commerson being arrested on the scene by the DPS officer. I said quick hello to Dr. John Van Cleve (JVC) on the way out. I asked him what's matter with him for not saying hello back. JVC replied "I am working right now". I was confused what JVC talked about. I got out of the door and saw the DPS officer pulled Ryan's arm upward near his shoulder blade. One of Gally student ran to take a photo of Ryan Commerson pushed against the wall with his Sidekick (SK) pager.
The DPS officers ran back and forth inside the GKCC. Other students flocked to the Swindell Auditorium from the additional ballrooms. Students were in total shock and dismay about Fernandes being selected as a successor to I. King Jordan (IKJ) outside the GKCC building.
Students flocked to the Gallaudet Mall between the Merrill Learning Center (Gallaudet Library) and College Hall with the Student Activity Center on right side. The "UFG" protest born there. Twenty minutes later, students were urged to be at the Front Gate.
Several Gally staff employees quipped "DPN wannabes!" One of Gally staff employee spoke with me - "Don't students realize about the real importance of Provost, not President?" I stood there witnessed the growing protest crowd over hours.
I went home pretty late around 10:30pm. I got the big SMILE on my face while sleeping. I told myself about us finally step up to the real protest which had been very overdue for many years! You know the rest of the "Unity for Gallaudet" protest brewed for another six months from the day of May 1st.
ASLize yours,
Robert Mason (RLM)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
"Deaf Education" Day
That is kinda a positive way of celebrating the first anniversary of "Unity for Gallaudet" protest. So everyone could participate in the proclamation of "Deaf Education" Day regardless of their personal philsophies toward deaf education and lingusitic usage.
Every year, we ought to strive for the betterment of Deaf Education within the deaf/Deaf global society at large in proactive ways than dwelling and bickering over deaf issues repeatedly. We need REAL ACTION on Deaf Education to be comprehensively accessible to pre-college deaf youngsters with the real foundation of high-standard educational studies.
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
Copyright Protected Under Law
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
What we suppose to do about the first anniversary of "Unity for Gallaudet" protest? Moment of solemn? What about naming "Ryan Commerson Day" as a reminder about the importance of "freedom of speech, expression and the right to assembly" under the U.S.'s "Bill of Rights"?
That would be really nice if almost all the educational faciltiies of the deaf offer impromptu lessons on the importance of "Bill of Rights" within the U.S. Constitution for us having a peaceful demonstration and the right to the freedom of speech and expression and assembly.
Teaching the deaf youngster all the basic necessity of how we could resolve such an arising situation, ex. processing grievance like issuing an open letter of concerns and offer any kind of resolution to be solved. Having the social science class or deaf studies class or history class to experience the fictional protest of their own as as a hand-on experience.
Gallaudet University's Student Body Government seems not having any plan to mark the first anniversary of "Unity for Gallaudet" so far! Gallaudet students seems preoccupied with final academic exams and research papers lately.
Hopefully for Gallaudet alumnus and other deaf activists celebrating the first anniversary of "Unity for Gallaudet" protest nationally. The "UFG" protest is really the best thing happened to the deaf/Deaf community at large in long time. Don't squander the time of opporunity for the betterment of deaf community at large!
We must defeat the "Pah Syndrome" and make the real difference in our deaf community at large from embracing overdue reforms on deaf issues and resolving them for the long-term interests.
Too soon for creating the historical context of the "Unity for Gallaudet" protest? Hosting the neighborhood block party with video loop via Powerpoint on bed sheet? Any ideas?? Would love to hear from you.
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Is Recent Gally Misincident A Premontion To Come for Much Worst??
The ethereal beings of past Gallaudet alumnus and deaf leaders probably spin in their graves lately about the issue of audism being not resolved. They had to correct the existing situations like the systematic dismissal of growing and logical concerns about the questions of SLCC floor plans involved the audiological department and language science of the deaf. Those eternal souls probably had enough with Gallaudet's history steamrolling over people, who deeply care about the Gallaudet University as an institution. They surely were offended about Mercy Coogan's lavish retirement party. The ethereal beings probably were disappointed how the Gallaudet University celebrate their 150th anniversary of the Kendall Green. They surely don't approve the 3-days conference depriving many people campuswide from being part of the significant celebration for the appreciation of Kendall Green. Amos Kendall was probably one of them rattling over the SLCC as a symbol of "increasingly audistic" atmosphere. Ever with the upcoming appearance of I. King Jordan giving the keynote speech. Their unimaginable ploys sending the direct message to the Gallaudet University doing something real about the SLCC and other issues facing the Gallaudet community.
We kinda do not realize about the existence of alternative universe beyond our human logic. Who knows? Everything is possible! Whether we embrace the possibility of paranormal universe or not!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Linguicism Toward Deaf Signers
Racism is not really a logical term to describe AGB's eugenics movement for imposing linguistic and cultural superiority/eradication upon deaf American signers of the late 1800's and early 1900's. More approriate terms are linguistic imperialism or attempt to "linguicide" the sociocultural minority, ex. deaf signers of the post-Milan Conference period from conveying and expressing their own thoughts in practical and efficient language usage.
"Linguicism" could be also an acceptable term to describe AGB's misguided ideology of assimilating or centralizing the sociolinguistic minority into the society at large on so-called equal basis. Racism?? No! No!
Deaf Americans and other deaf people everywhere, could enact the strategtic multilingualism policies to ensure the protection and preservation of our beloved and precious language (ASL, LSF, BSL and other more) from possibility of linguistic extinction/loss and sociocultural genocide or undermine the existence of minority language usage.
Deaf People everywhere ought to call for the non-intervention policy to make our natural language of the deaf to the protected status to the listing of endangered language usage in the United States and other countries.
The Auslan language (Australian Sign Language) already have been formally recognized by the Australia national government as "community language" other than spoken/written English and the preferred language of the Deaf Australian Community as the language policy statement(s) in 1987 and 1991. (1)
There are numerous struggles to preserve and formalize the language usage somewhere like Pakistan (Bangla language) and other places nowadays. Such endangered languages have been revived from Hebrew to Hawaiian Language lately. Aragonese, Gaelic and Aramaic language are non-existent language usage so far.
We really could make the language policy of protecting and recognizing the American Sign Language (ASL) at Gallaudet University and other educational facilities of the deaf without making the non-ASL users feel threatened or compromised. That is about the matter of linguistic embraceness and self-determination involved American Sign Language (ASL) and other natural sign language.
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)
References -
(1) Lo Bianco (1987). National Policy on Languages. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service
Dawkins J (1991). Australia's Language: The Australian Language and Literacy Policy. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.
This e-article on RLMDEAF blog is copyright protected under the U.S. Copyright Law without properly recognize the contribution of author listed above, 30th March 2007.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Tibidits On "Thru Deaf Eyes": PostProduction & Review
PBS-TV's "Thru Deaf Eyes", 2 hours-long documentary was originally slated to be an one hour long programming. It had been in the production development for 5 years and completed before the Unity for Gally (UFG) protest erupted last Spring 2006. The total budget spending on the making of "Thru Deaf Eyes" documentary was estimated $600,000 plus related expenses for online postings. Approximately 30 people involved in the production of "Thru Deaf Eyes" documentary. No content listings for this documentary found on the PBS's official website or links in any way.
After viewing the 45-minutes excrepts of "Thru Deaf Eyes" out of 2 hours-long documentary with other prominent deaf individuals at the Library of Congress last March 13th, 2007. Such a mixed feelings about this first-known documentary about deaf people on the national level devoted to the understanding and appreciation of Deaf American Community and its diversity.
Surprisingly, the respectable and well-known hearing Gallaudet history professor, Dr. John Van Cleve spoke orally without signing at all. He also appeared without his owlish eyeglasses on one of the "oral history" segement. Van Cleve fluently signed in SimCom at Gallaudet University. Why hasn't Dr. Van Cleve (JVC) signed on the national television?
Another disappointed segement with the beloved culturally deaf author of "Deaf Hertiage", Dr. Jack Gannon and his wife, Alice. Gannon dressed sloppily like having part of his flannel shirt hung out while the right side of it inside the pant. Where were the PBS or Gallaudet University people assisted Dr. Gannon and other deaf interviewees looking best on the national television? Kinda feel bad for Gannon.
Dr. Jack Gannon is known for his folksy and easygoing Midwestern attitude. He probably do not care much about his appearance. Everyone love Jack Gannon!
Marlee Maltin, Oscar-winning actress expressed her personal experience about the sole incident with the hearing television interviewer somewhere. She was going to be the camera-ready for the interview.but the interviewer popped "My dog is deaf, too". Maltin ended up with the "dumbfounded" looks on the camera. Very common experience for us, deaf people dealing with such ignorance and stupidity from the society at large.
Gallaudet University "Deaf Studies" Professor, Dr. Ben Bahn's personal recollection of his deaf parents were real touching. He appreciated his culturally deaf father more after studying linguistics of American Sign Language (ASL). Bahn finally realized how intelligent his culturally deaf father really was.
Frances Parson, deaf attendee at the Library of Congress' viewing of "Thru Deaf Eyes", asked a simple question to the PBS producers whether this documentary will cover the history of "Combined System" in deaf schools of the deaf. The producer replied "Yes".
Robert L. Mason (RLM) asked an question before Frances Parson and other deaf questioners whether this documentary covered the recent "Unity for Gallaudet" protest or not. The head producer responded "Thank God! We finished the documentary before the recent UFG protest." His answer somewhat bothered me. What do you really think?
There will be the DVD sale of "Through Deaf Eyes" next release date - May 2, 2007 - $24.99 which is surprisingly inexpensive for PBS video retail sales. It will include six artistic works by Deaf media artists internally woven thru the entire documentary on DVD. Unlike the broadcast of "Thru Deaf Eyes". Those Deaf media artists' visual artworks will be seen after the end of documentary on most PBS stations.
Another PBS retail; material for "Thru Deaf Eyes" documentary is the hardcover book - 'Through Deaf Eyes: A Photographic History of an American Deaf Community, $40, sale date - 3/21/07.
For more info regarding "Through Deaf Eyes" television documentary and DVD/book sales, check out
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM), originally posted 3/16/07, then 3/21/07
Monday, March 19, 2007
WSJ Report Washington State' Proposed Legislation Ban Texting During Driving
Joyce McDonald, GOP Washington State legislator pushed aggressively for making DWT a felony crime for anyone, who multitask during the driving. She found the co-sponsor across the party line, Democrat Dawn Morell.
Without controvesty behind the proposed legislation for making the DWT a felony crime. The wireless industry supporters vigorously opposed such a legislation, but strongly encouraged by the auto insurance companies, ex. AllState. The opponents of "DWT" legislation emphasized on the educational outreach to educate drivers about the dangers of engaging in electronic communication without defensive driving.
The proponents of proposed legislation on DWT pointed out to the latest statistics of auto accidents and auto deaths from the 37% of drivers between age of 18 and 27 tend to compose, send and read electronic messages during the driving phase. They used the public campaign like "Cell Phone 4oz. Car 2,800 lbs."
The remaining question is "Will this proposed offense be possibly enforceable?" Drivers would manage to turn off their electronic communication devices before law enforcement officers have any chance to catch anyone in the act.
The Wall Street Journal article could be found at under Reporter Christopher Cooper.
ASLize yours,
Robert L. Mason (RLM)